Help Center Tasks Guide Create A New Task

Create A New Task

Tasks in Omana’a are designed to help you organize your work, manage your to-do lists, and track your progress efficiently. By clicking on the “Tasks” tab in the menu:
  1. Users can create a new task, by clicking on the “Create custom task” button in the top right corner of the tasks page
  1. Filling in the basic information such as Title, Data, Priority, Task Type, Workspace, and Description
  1. Add files from the local
    1. Click on the “Add file” button
    2. Select files from the local
    3. Write a description *optional
  1. Delete files, by moving on the file icon to enable deleting
  1. Add Performing Conditions
    1. Clicking on “Add element” on the last page
    2. Write on the box
  1. Delete Performing Conditions
    1. by moving the mouse on each performing condition to show the delete icon in the far right of the condition box
  1. To assign the task to performers
    1. click on the “Add” button on the top right corner
    2. Select members
    3. Once you select users click on the “Add” button
  1. Once you have filled in all the task information, click on the “Save task” button to create the task and send invitations to performers.
  1. Otherwise, click on the “Cancel” button to exit from the task creation page and the task will not created at all

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