Voting in Omana’a is designed to facilitate decision-making, gather feedback, and engage participants in various voting activities. By clicking on the “Votings” tab in the menu
- On the Voting details page, users can edit the details by
- Clicking on the “More” button in the top left
- Then Click on the “Edit” button
- Editing the basic information such as Title, Start & End Date, Quorum type, Voting type, and Workspace
- In the above picture, there are three main checkboxes:
- Checking the “With live room?” gives the ability to join in the living video room during the voting process
- Checking the “Vote Secrecy” gives the ability to hide the details of results from voters unless it has permission
- Checking the “Heed my vote” gives the ability to include the voting creator in the vote calculation
- Edit Voting Elements “Options”
- Clicking on “Add element” on the last page
- Write on the box
- Delete Voting Element
- by moving the mouse on each element to show the delete icon in the far right of the element box
- To assign the voting to performers
- click on the “Add” button on the top right corner of the performers box
- Select members
- Once you select users click on the “Add” button
- To assign the voting role to performers, for more information see Assign Voting Roles
- Click on the “Voter” button on the far right of the user’s name
- Select role
- Once you have Edited all the voting information, click on the “Save voting” button to create the voting and send invitations to performers.
- Otherwise, click on the “Cancel” button to exit from the voting edit page and the voting will not changed