Help Center Workspaces Guide Manage Workspace Members

Manage Workspace Members

Workspaces in Omana’a are virtual collaboration spaces where users can share documents, discuss ideas, and collaborate on specific projects by clicking on the “Workspaces” tab in the menu:
  • Within a workspace, you can edit workspace details, add members, link workspace, create meetings, and browse workspace activities
    • To manage workspace members
      1. Click on the member images at the top
      2. Then, it will open a side-bar on the left that shows the list of the workspace members
  • Here, You can add a new member
    1. Click on the “Add” button to add members:
    2. Select members
    3. Once you select users click on the “Add” button
  • Here, You can remove an existing member by
    1. Move on the user’s image to enable deleting them

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