Workspaces in Omana’a are virtual collaboration spaces where users can share documents, discuss ideas, and collaborate on specific projects by clicking on the “Workspaces” tab in the menu:
- Within a workspace, you can edit workspace details, add members, link workspace, create meetings, and browse workspace activities
- To approve the linking workspace request
- Access the workspace
- If the workspace has a request from another workspace, will show a bar on the top page, click on “Accept” to activate the linking.
- To approve the linking workspace request
- Otherwise, Click on the “Reject” to deactivate the workspace linking.
- On the workspace that sent the linking request
- The gray highlight on the workspace name on the right side refers to “Requested Linked”
- The gold highlight on the workspace name on the right side refers to “Accepted Linked”
- The red highlighted on the workspace name on the right side refers to “Rejected Linked”