Help Center Workspaces Guide Workspace Linking

Workspace Linking

Workspaces in Omana’a are virtual collaboration spaces where users can share documents, discuss ideas, and collaborate on specific projects by clicking on the “Workspaces” tab in the menu:
  • Within a workspace, you can edit workspace details, add members, link workspace, create meetings, and browse workspace activities
    • To approve the linking workspace request
      1. Access the workspace
      2. If the workspace has a request from another workspace, will show a bar on the top page, click on “Accept” to activate the linking.
  • Otherwise, Click on the “Reject” to deactivate the workspace linking.
  • On the workspace that sent the linking request
    1. The gray highlight on the workspace name on the right side refers to “Requested Linked”
    2. The gold highlight on the workspace name on the right side refers to “Accepted Linked”
    3. The red highlighted on the workspace name on the right side refers to “Rejected Linked”

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