Meetings in Omana’a are designed to streamline the process of scheduling, organizing, and conducting meetings, whether they are in-person or virtual. From setting agendas to recording minutes.
- Once the meeting is created and saved as “Draft”, you can easily access it anytime to fill out the agenda items:
- You can edit the basic details:
- Click on the “Add Section” button to add a main section with its duration, name, description, files, participants, and presenters:
- Click on the “Add Subsection” button to add detailed sections of each main section, in terms of:
- Text: a general sub-section for discussion.
- Voting: a voting session during the meeting.
- Task: a task session during the meeting.
- Voting Result: a voting summary and result of the voting session before the meeting. *will be enabled only if elements before the meeting are created.
- Task Result: a task summary and result of the task session before the meeting. *will be enabled only if elements before the meeting are created.
- Notes:
- You can add unlimited sub-sections.
- The total time of all sub-sections affects its main section interval.
- The sub-sections are restricted view to only the performers and presenters unless the user has permission to view them.