Help Center Workspaces Guide Create A New Workspace

Create A New Workspace

Workspaces in Omana’a are virtual collaboration spaces where users can share documents, discuss ideas, and collaborate on specific projects by clicking on the “Workspaces” tab in the menu:
  1. Users can create a new workspace, by clicking on the “Create workspace” button in the top right corner of the workspace page
  1. Provide a name, lifetimes, logo, and description details for the workspace.
  1. Select the users or user groups who should have access to the workspace through
    1. The “Add” button is on the top right corner of the member section
    2. Select members
    3. Once you select users click on the “Add” button
  1. Once you have filled in all the workspace information, click on the “Create workspace” button to create the workspace and send invitations to members.
  1. Otherwise, click on the “Cancel” button to exit from the workspace creation page and the workspace will not created at all

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